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Macedonia Holidays DMC
Industritë që Macedonia Holidays DMC përfshin
Agjensi Turistike
Murteza Tatar Street, Struga, Ohrid Lake, Macedonia
871 shikime
Macedonia Holidays DMC can help you discover Macedonia - a small country in the heart of the Balkan Peninsula with diverse natural beauty, rich history, traditions and heritage. A crossroads of civilizations, a unique blend of ancient and modern, offering a rich multicultural experience. Macedonian people, known as very friendly and hospitable, will make every visitor feel at home. If you are a food lover, Macedonia cuisine is the right choice accompanied by wines that are quickly becoming internationally acclaimed.
We invite you to explore this exciting destination with Macedonia Holidays DMC, a young and energetic team of professionals which can offer you tailor made solutions for individual travellers and groups. We can arrange tours, incentive trips, events and conferences in Macedonia but also tours combined with Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece.
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