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Albania Holidays Ltd.
Industritë që Albania Holidays Ltd. përfshin
Agjensi Turistike
Sami Frashėri, Tirane
1047 shikime
ALBANIA HOLIDAYS a leading Destination Management Company invites you to be part of a unique experience, discovering an unknown but fascinating country. Albania has much to offer: a sunny Mediterranean climate, delicious food, kind and welcoming people, a laid back attitude, a rich history, an old culture, unique traditions, beautiful landscapes with mountains, rivers and a magnificent coastline. Visitors to the country describe Albanians as warm and inquisitive, happy to see foreigners.
Albania Holidays can assist you to discover the country in the most authentic way by offering tailor made solutions for groups & FIT-s, with a focus on the local elements: history, culture, traditions and way of life. We provide professional arrangements for: tours, events, venue selection, team building activities, shore excursions for cruises and more.
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