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Detajet e biznesit nuk janė dėrguar me email tek emaili i zgjedhur nga ju. Ju lutem provojeni pėrsėri ose kontaktoni Perspekti.
Ju lutem shtoni emailin tuaj dhe emailin e shoqėrisė dhe detajet e kėtij biznesi do ju dėrgohet shoqėrisė juaj nga Perspekti.
Ju lutem kontrolloni emailin dhe provojeni pėrsėri. Nėse keni probleme kontaktoni Perspekti.
Evolvia sh.p.k.
Industritë që Evolvia sh.p.k. përfshin
Shėrbime Kompjuterike
708 shikime
At evolvia we are dedicated to entrepreneurial development. We believe that you can only offer innovation if you put it into practice yourself. Our philosophy is simple: We are an international community of professionals with a wide experience in different fields and an interactive network that adapts according to the project you require. We specialize in small and medium-sized enterprises as well as communication agencies and departments whom we can offer the services of a team used to dealing with big accounts. Our contribution consists in new, fresh ideas and an understanding of the world based on three pillars: Internet, design and technology.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Facilization sh.p.k.
Facilization SHPK ėshtė njė biznes lider nė konsulencė dhe shėrbim i cili operon nė Shqipėri du...
What We Do?
Provide custom software development services
Write software development plans tai...
Evolve Studio
Evolve Studio is trusted globally for web & soft development outsourcing by global businesses, ...
Albmania Group
Tė jesh prezent nė botėn online nuk ėshtė mė njė luks por ėshtė njė detyrim i biznesit modern. ...
Jupiter Group
Jupiter Group ėshtė njė nga kompanitė lider nė Shqipėri qė operon nė fushėn e teknologjisė sė i...
CDS Partners
Web Design & Development, Brand Identity, SEO, Google AdWords, Hosting, IT Management, Cloud Se...
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Fjalėkalimi nuk ėshtė i saktė. Shkruani fjalėkalimin siē shihet nė fotografi dhe provojeni pėrsėri.
Shtoni komentin tuaj
Sharje dhe gjuhė agresive nuk lejohen nė Perspekti.