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Industritë që Carrefour përfshin
Prodhime, Importe & Eksporte, Supermarkete
TEG , Tirane
1170 shikime
Carrefour has all the resources to cater to the different needs of it's customers whether they live in an urban or rural environment, whether they be private or professional clients, in France or abroad.
Always focused on meeting their expectations, 2015 saw Carrefour continuing with it's drive to expand and renovate its stores. Worldwide, the Group's stores come in a variety of formats and channels: hypermarkets with a general product offer at the best possible prices; supermarkets the leading grocery format; convenience stores for service and practical solutions; cash & carry stores for professionals; hypercash stores, drive and ecommerce all designed to meet evolving customer needs .
With more than 12,200 stores in over 30 countries, the Group offers its customers a wide array of formats and banners for every shopping pattern daily purchases in local stores or weekly trips to the hypermarket that meet the needs of the diverse clientele, from business customers purchasing wholesale supplies, to family shopping trips.
Carrefour, Atacadao, Market, Express?
In every store format, with different banners, the Group develops attractive, modern and inviting stores. Carrefour teams join forces to increase the competitive advantage of its multiformat approach. During 2015, this investment, carefully tailored and constantly
assessed, led to the net opening of more than 1,400 new stores worldwide.
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