Perspekti - IDRA Research & Consulting Shėrbime Biznesi Tirane
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IDRA Research & Consulting

Industritë që IDRA Research & Consulting përfshin

Shėrbime Biznesi

Detajet e kontaktit


Siri Kodra, Tirane
836 shikime


IDRA is a leading Albanian research and development consulting agency with operations in Balkan region and beyond. We offer Insights into why things happen, Foresight to see what lies ahead and Innovative solutions to tackle development problems.

IDRA Research offers full-scale market and opinion research services. Our extensive experience, innovative methods, personalized service and dedication to research integrity set us apart. Our clients include private companies, multinationals, governments, international institutions, NGOs and everyone in-between.

IDRA Advance offers solutions to improve markets, business environment, governance and public services. Our clients include national governments, local governments, international institutions and private companies.

IDRA DiGIS offers services in the area of IT systems for data intelligence and Geographic Information Services. DiGIS is focused on IT systems that collect, manage, analyze, and report data to fulfill specific needs of organizations and businesses.

IDRAMEDIA provides the best media monitoring and advertising intelligence solutions in Albania and Kosova. We are the partner of choice for leading companies, international organizations, PR and advertising agencies, and media outlets that seek to monitor, document and make sense out of their media activities.

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