Perspekti - ALTINBAS Prodhime Tregti Tirane
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Industritë që ALTINBAS përfshin

Prodhime, Tė tjera

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Autostrada Tirane Elbasan, TEG , Tirane
1129 shikime


Altinbas Jewellery, since the first day it was established branding activities, and innovations first brought to the industry in Turkey today and continues a steady path aimed continuous rise in total 500 points in the world.
Founded in 1975 by Altinbas family in Gaziantep Altinbas Jewellery, in a short time with it's successful and systematic work, it made a big growth. Altinbas incorporated in the Developing World Jewellery, today, Altinbas industry leading brands of the holding position.

Altinbas collection, the design team led by specialist staff, following world trends and innovations, Turkish motives and history, emerges as an aesthetic interpretation of the line extending to the universal. ISO 9001 quality certified production, Turkey's largest gold factory has 15 thousand square meters closed area in Istanbul, equipped with the world standards and the latest technology, it is taking place in Altinbas Factory.

Altinbas gold jewelry and diamond jewelry, design, product, customer service and the quality of human resources in Turkey established leading brand identity, the merchandising system is progressing with the integration vision with the global brand identity.
Adopted the mission of pioneering innovations and firsts in the Turkish jewelry sector Altinbas to catch the perfect product and service quality with the common concept stores, aiming to keep alive a preferred shopping experience.

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