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ADMC Work & Travel
Industritë që ADMC Work & Travel përfshin
Kompani Ndėrtimi
Mine Peza, Tirane
2067 shikime
ADMC is a European dynamic firm specialised in Structural Works including Steel fixing, Formwork and Concreting lots; Finishing and Fit Outs Works, renowned for the professionalism and the can-do attitude of its powerful teams.
Its expertise, know-how and efficiency in a wide variety of construction projects ranging from small to large scale projects such as Rail, Stadiums, Airports, Roadworks, Infrastructure etc. are the showcase of it.
Since 2004, ADMC has been at the forefront in innovation in the construction industry, with a long lasting expertise that includes major works not only in Qatar but also in Greece including works for the 2004 Olympic Games. We continue to build upon our reputation as a reliable, trustworthy construction partner capable of delivering even the most complex projects on time and within budget.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Teuta Konstruksion
Teuta Konstruksion ne 18 vitet e aktivitetit te saj, pervec mjaft objekteve ne infrastrukture, ...
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Alban Costruzioni sh.p.k.
The Alban Costruzioni sh.p.k. company, with the adress in Vangel Noti street (former Josif Pash...
APM sh.p.k.
APM sh.p.k. u themelua nė Janar tė 2012. Si pjesė pėrberese e ALB-STAR GRUP, APM sh.p.k. ka tra...
Meri Interior Design
Meri Interior Design
Gener 2 sh.p.k
Gener 2 Sh.p.k (Gener 2) e ka pozicionuar veten si njė kompani prestigjioze nė tregun shqiptar ...
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