I Travelled the Earth (Po rraha dhera) - Nikolla Keta
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I Travelled the Earth (Po rraha dhera) - Nikolla Keta

Vepra I Travelled the Earth nga Nikolla Keta.

Vepra I Travelled the Earth nga Nikolla Keta.
Vepra I Travelled the Earth nga Nikolla Keta.
Nga: Xhesjana Topalli
Publikimi: 25/10/2017 22:57

I travelled the earth in search of treasures,

Caused all Albania to blush at my sins,

Alas, how this hellish life deceived me,

Promised me honours, gold and pleasures.


On the verge of seizing that golden trove,

Those vile wooden boards enclosed my worn body...

Around my tomb weep the folk of Contessa,

I beg you, Lord, forgive them their sins.


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